Saturday 9 February 2008

Bottom end ready?

A little more progress to report (work does get in the way!)

The bottom end is now ready for delivery to the machine shop!

All of the internals have been painted with Glyptal enamal. Aparantly it seals castings and aids with the smooth flow of oil. From my point of view, it will make long term maintenance easier with regard to oil changes as the sludge will be easier to wipe out. This will be aided by the newly finished sump:

While I'm posting a few picci's, here's a close up of the front crank journal and big end bearing:

You can see why it needs a re-grind and new white metal bearings.

A bit of news on the gearbox front as well. Just when you think you've got it sorted in your mind, a fellow rebuilder contacts me and say's that he's heard a rumour that PRM are currently developing a 260 gearbox with a 1:1 ratio.

Not backward in coming forward, I contact PRM who do indeed confirm this to be the case. Currently, they do not know time scales. It is in its final stages of development but will require extensive testing before being released to the market place.

This would be an ideal solution for me. It can handle the torque and would mean a 21" prop with 1.5" shaft and stern gear. I wonder if they want to give me one to test?

1 comment:

Mini said...

Glyptal enamal is great, you will definatly find it easier when doing future oil changes. But be warned, don't get it on anything other than what you want it on, or you won't get it off again. Take my word for it and learn from my silly mistake.